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S4E4- Building an Ideal Team: “At the Core”

Season #4

At the core of any business or individual is a set of values that governs their decision making and actions. Sometimes these values are well defined with intentionality. All too often these values are a “wish list” at best of how someone or a company would like to operate, and at worst an afterthought in which it is completely subjective and typically left to the emotional state at the time a decision is being made. This week Andy Traub, Wes Young, and Justin Lakin continue our conversation on building an ideal team by focusing on the topic of core values: what are they, are they important, and how can they impact my team and business?

In today’s episode we will cover:

  • Many companies claim they have core values, but typically what they're referring to are generic beliefs: having integrity, making a profit, responding to customers and so on. These values only have meaning when they're defined in terms of how people behave and are ranked to set priorities.    – Ken Blanchard
  • Defining core values
  • The impact core values have on an individual and a team
  • The core values Wes established with his team
    • Prioritized Pursuits
    • Normalize the New
    • Honest and Honoring

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