S6E7- Practically Pretty Part 7: “Playing Music or Making Noise”
Would you describe your business as a beautiful symphony, or does it feel more like unattractive noise? The "From Busy to Rich" podcast with Wes Young and team, discusses practical aspects of running a successful business in their series "Practically Pretty Ten Truths to Make Your Business Beautiful." They emphasize the importance of providing information that can be applied practically. In this episode, they stress being organized and intentional in running a successful business, managing mental energy, having an ideal calendar and set list, and being clear in communication. Overall, they provide practical advice to help listeners increase their profitability and quality of life.
In today’s episode we will cover:
- The 10 common denominators of successful advisory practices
- The difference between playing music and just making noise in business
- What is a “set list” for an advisory practice
- Seasons in your practice
- Making your practice pretty
We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode of Practically Pretty. If you want to further explore these or other topics you can learn more at www.wesyounglive.com and use discount code PODCAST25 for 25% off.